Advanced Integrative Therapeutics
With over 30 years combined experience in cutting-edge therapies, our doctors has revolutionized patient wellness through integrative thinking which has allowed our patients to experience long lasting and effective results. For more information on advanced therapies, please see our companion website at
Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is derived from the peripheral blood of the patient being treated. PRP contains a small amount of stem cells and the healing capability is mostly due to the bioactive molecules present in the injection. PRP therapy is used through out the body to help heal, strengthen and rejuvenate. PRP can be injected deep into joints or injected near the attachments of the ligaments and tendons to stimulate strength and support. PRP can be used subcutaneously as well as intra-dermally for aesthetic purposes. The synergistic combination of micro needling and PRP allows the stimulation of collagen.
Prolotherapy, also called proliferation therapy or regenerative injection therapy, is an alternative medicine treatment that uses an irritant solution or matrix which is injected into a joint space, ligaments, or tendon insertion in an effort to relieve pain or address ligament laxity. Prolotherapy in conjunction with PRP creates the inflammation while promoting the healing and repair process.
Neural and Trigger Point injection therapies are often preformed together, usually with PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma). The therapy generally involves a series of shallow injections into scar tissue, acupuncture points and muscular trigger points to relieve pain and dysfunction in soft tissue injuries. These injections are useful to relax and relieve pain from tight sore muscles. Neural and Trigger Point therapies are a treatment which helps to reset nervous function in an area where chronic pain has made the nerves hyper sensitive. Some people will feel relief of their pain after a couple of treatments but most may require 5-7 treatments.